Church Life

Arise is a growing movement of young people aged 11-17. Our vision is to reach and raise a generation of young people with passion, purpose and power. We meet once a month on Sunday evenings for an incredible time in the presence of God followed by games, food and hanging out.
Follow us on Instagram

Encounter worship nights are powerful times of Spirit-filled worship and prayer where our one goal is to bring glory to Jesus and encounter Him in a deeper way.
Our passion is that his presence will envelop our hearts as we worship together and that the Holy Spirit will move powerfully among us.
See more on our YouTube channel (press the icon).

Giving to Life Church online is really straightforward – just press on the 'Give now' button.
Alternatively, most church members give regularly via bank transfer or standing order. Please speak to one of our leaders or pick up a copy of our bank details in the foyer at church.
You can also give cash at a Sunday service. There is a collection taken part way through.
If you are a UK tax payer please consider signing a Gift Aid declaration form. These are available in the foyer, or speak to one of our leaders or Becky Hill (our Gift Aid Administrator).
For more information on Gift Aid, press the Gift Aid info button.